- 36 jaar ervaring
- Makkelijk en veilig betalen
- Persoonlijk en deskundig advies
- 36 jaar ervaring
- Makkelijk en veilig betalen
- Persoonlijk en deskundig advies
Monforte III Luxury Cruise
Welcome aboard the elegant Monforte III. The Monforte III is a luxury vessel built in a coastal town of Brazil. The 115-foot wooden schooner, built by Brazillian Artisans using Brazillian walnut made it an ideal fit for our luxury excursions.
Monforte III moors in the bay of the Palm Beach, right in front of the famous Pelican Pier. The vessel sets sail on daily excursions offering patrons access to the tropical coves and white sandy beaches the Island provides. From sunrise to the evening stars, the guests indulge in free flowing mimosas, gourmet meals to daily adventures where the guests are always first priority.