Hire Ruby on Rails Developers


With Daxx you can hire Ruby on Rails developers that fit your requirements 100%.

Every Ruby on Rails developer you hire with us becomes your full-time employee. They work on your project exclusively and are therefore more motivated to deliver high-quality code. You manage them directly, while we take care of office space, equipment, payroll, and taxes, and provide continuous all-round support to you and your developers

With Daxx, you can hire Ruby on Rails developers skilled in the following technologies: Ruby/Ruby on Rails, MySQL, PostgreSQL, RSpec, MiniTest, Cucumber, TypeScript, Sass, Haml, CoffeeScript.

Here’s How It Works:

  • You tell us your requirements to the Ruby on Rails developers you want to hire.
  • Our recruiters search through our extensive database for the talent you need, and send you the CVs of those candidates that best fit your description.
  • You conduct one-on-one interviews and approve every Ruby on Rails developer. You’re sure the engineers have the skills you need because you checked yourself.
  • We place your team in one of our fully equipped development centers in Ukraine’s major tech hubs – Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Dnipro – and provide them with all the equipment and software they need to work on your project.

When Your Team is Ready:

  • Our HR/Account Managers help you build rapport with your Ruby on Rails developers and advise you on the most effective project management techniques.
  • Our own Agile coach monitors your team’s work and helps organize your internal processes to make sure your team’s productivity is at its highest.
  • Our system administrators and office managers look after the workstations of your developers.
  • Our retention managers organize corporate events and tech workshops, and get your developers passes to conferences and meetups so that every RoR developer you hire with us stays happy and motivated.
  • Our accountants deal with payroll, taxes, and other administrative issues.
  • Our travel managers assist with accommodation and transportation when you’re planning a business trip for your team.
  • Our experts provide you with all necessary support and you can enjoy collaboration with a certified tech partner

Want to learn more about setting up an extended development team with us? Want to set up an extended development team?

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm only looking for 1 developer. Can you help?

  • Yes!

What if I want to expand my team to 20 people?

  • We have lots of big teams, so it's not a problem

We want developers with Agile experience. Do you do that?

  • We sure do. We even have an Agile consultant on staff.

Available Developers

Andriy K.

ID : 599
Angular developer (Middle) | 3 years of experience

Andriy has almost 3 years of experience with front-end, 1,5 of which with Angular 2+. He has good knowledge of HTML, CSS and has experience in working with Scrum.



Oleh K.

ID : 608
Java Developer | 7 years of experience

Oleh is a Java Developer with 7 years of experience. He is well-versed in Java, Java Core, Java EE, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript and different databases.

